Regarding Children

Wexford was designed by the developer to include a single tennis court facility and two playground areas for use by community children. We encourage children to use these facilities and to limit their play to those areas and not play in the parking lots and streets of Wexford.

Parents are reminded that they are responsible for the actions of their children when out playing in the community and need to make sure that they understand that they:

> Respect and take care of what equipment Wexford does have and not damage or destroy it

> Do not stand in or sit on top of the bucket swings provided for small children

> Do not stand on the benches and tables

> Parents whose children are seen and or reported damaging or destroying anything will be charged for the repairs.

Residents frequently report their concerns to the Management Company and the Board of Trustees regarding the safety of the children in the streets, possible damage to their vehicles in the parking areas, and blocking of traffic flow in the community. The streets in Wexford are not play areas and parents need to remind their children of this. Vehicles and children do not mix well and usually it is the child that pays the price. No one would like to see a child get injured so please ensure that your children play in common areas and the tot lots.

Homeowners are expected to drive slowly and watch for our neighborhood children. The Speed Limit in Wexford is 15 MPH.